ayu_19980408: Good morning. I think Natsuki will attack me soon. It’s Friday here!! And before my back breaks from all the hugging, I’m back to finish my recording Σ(゚д゚lll)

ayu_19980408: A meal before going to the studio.

ayu_19980408: Some more!

ayu_19980408: Come on ♪ Black chilled noodles!!

ayu_19980408: Shaa–!!

ayu_19980408: Nbaaaaa–. Spicy——- But that all became my breakfast ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

ayu_19980408: Zou today.
(Zou = Minazou)

ayu_19980408: Wooooooooooow,Today is reli beautiful day!!!!!!!

ayu_19980408: TA is updated now m(_ _)m

ayu_19980408: Break time now with Kuro-chan ☆

ayu_19980408: Natsuki-san, being high.
odayoshio: Her face is big, but she’s thin, right?
ayu_19980408: She’s eating a huge onigiri beside me now. (laugh)

UN1982: I cooked vegetables with anchovy sauce. It was good.
ayu_19980408: Yep, are you aiming at OL lately?
UN1982: You found me out? Maybe I should go for cooking classes (^_-)
ayu_19980408: I bought an apron for you.

Mannie69: Looking forward to a relaxing evening with my wife
ayu_19980408: We r gonna have a beautiful evening

UN1982: I forgot, here’s a photo.
ayu_19980408: It looks like ginseng, too cool.

Mannie69: I think so 😉 
ayu_19980408: 
UN1982: Lalala〜♫
ayulovesjyj: Haha lil bro also joining!
ayu_19980408: How cute

ayu_19980408: Waiting 4…..

ayu_19980408: Don’t know what to say…

mina_zo_mina_zo: Love songs blog update!! Who is updating this time? Go check it now!! 【PC】http://bit.ly/hjplLW 【MOBILE】http://bit.ly/hAdkH4
ayu_19980408: →