Having temporarily closed its curtains during July,

ayumi hamasaki ~POWER of MUSIC ~2011 A

having changed its name to

ayumi hamasaki ~POWER of MUSIC ~2011 A FINAL Chapter

will be restarting today, 30th September, at Osaka Jou Hall!!!!!

Moving forward without stopping,

Hamasaki Ayumi leads the A troupe on,

so let our show fill up

your skin, your eyes, your heart!!!

Of course!!

We’ll send out all these passionate feelings

from everyone, who has been busy working on everything for this tour (@`▽´@)/

We’re doing some final adjustments now!!!

Excitment is mounting in a goo~d way! (〃 ̄ー ̄〃)

Look forward to it ☆

A STAFF Minazou