ayu_19980408: Me & Timmy
UN1982: Ti-Timmy??? Eh? Really?
ayu_19980408: Yes, the beauty on my left is really Timmy!! (laugh)UN1982: Can tell if I look hard enough!! And he’s too much a beauty!!
ZIN19791126: Totally!! (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Beware Timmy!! (laugh)

luv0408ayuchann: Like this? ‘`,、(๑´▽`๑) ‘`,、’`,、
ayu_19980408: Yes yes, true! Now you can tell it’s him!! (laugh)

_love_bot: If you hurt others, you will feel regret. Because you know you are kind. The other person knows that you are kind, so you have already been healed. Never lose that kindness. (Shimoda Kageki)
ayu_19980408: RT

K1_Hiroya: As we become adults, our responsibilites increase. Recently, people have gotten angry with my irresponsible actions…
ayu_19980408: Our freedom increases too (^_−)−☆

ayu_19980408: Real freedom is when you become able to accept all responsibility on your own. And though it is tiresome to have to think of responsibility all the time, we can’t just think “I don’t want this responsibility” and let go of freedom, right? (^_−)−☆ Decide this yourself!!

ayu_19980408: One magazine shoot is done now. Now for the photoshoot of a new CM. And then, another magazine shoot.. I hope this will all be done by Fukuoka tomorrow!!! (laugh) ← This pattern seems to repeat recently.

timwellard: Now I’m beginning to understand what it means to be busy.
ayu_19980408: Go beb,Gooooo!!!!!!! Xoxo♡

UN1982: To Fukuoka GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yoneaki1019: I’ll catch up later, fly fly to Fukuoka!!!!!!!
ayu_19980408: Second sis is also flying to homeland Fukuoka!!!!!!!!!! Wheeee~ ☆

ayu_19980408: Ah, I fell asleep talking on the phone… Have to give an interview while on the plane, so applying Tiger Balm around my eyes now.

kosuke1984: So many security people… There’s police too–
ayu_19980408: Reached Fukuoka! Something big seems to be happening outside the airport!! Everyone, please calm down and act safely ☆

ayu_19980408: Everyone waiting at the airport, thank you so much for your good behaviour!!! I managed to exit the airport with a smile, without any injury or accident ☆ Thanks thanks (*^^*)

naapx: ayuuuu (´:ω;`) Thank you so so much for shaking hands with everyone (´:ω;`) ayu really smells so nice (laugh) Everyone’s hands now smell nice too ( ̄▽ ̄)
ayu_19980408: Am I now the fragrant artist? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

mametan_love07: Do you have to go for rehearsals so soon after you’ve reached?
ayu_19980408: YES(`_´)ゞ

Katsukitkat: Perfect. Now I need to hold my breath and prepare for tomorrow. I really had a great interview~ Look forward to October’s issue.
ayu_19980408: Thanks for today~!! Looking forward to October’s issue (*^^*)♪

ayu_19980408: Rehearsals has ended now. I’m panicking again ( ゚∀゚) AhahaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHA

ayu_19980408: Rainbow in my head ( ゚∀゚) AhahaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHA

Mannie69: something’s on my mind 😉
ayu_19980408: Mountain n guitar??? 😛

ayu_19980408: Totally at my limit.