
Posted on 2015-02-24 15:02:36

Sorry for not updating sooner!

Every single day just rushes by so quickly…

If things keep up at this pace, Aarin will graduate from high school in no time (´・ω・`)

Everyone probably already knows about this,
but let’s recap a little, ok?! (laugh)

Aarin (and Aarin’s Mama) attended the press conference for beloved brand PINK HOUSE-san, whom she did a collab with (^ω^)

PINK HOUSE is really so cute
It’s a brand that makes us all proud to be girls.

Aarin still has some photos of herself as a child, dressed in PINK HOUSE-san’s apparel

Even her Papa and Mama wore clothes from PINK HOUSE-san,
and PINK HOUSE-san’s bear-chan is also displayed in their house,
and the pillow on Aarin’s bed is also wrapped up in a PINK HOUSE-san towel…

So she’s really so happy
to be able to do a collab with the brand~~ \( ˆoˆ )/

↑ This bear-chan!

When dressed in PINK HOUSE-san’s clothes,
we all behaved in a slightly more girlish manner!

To all the girl-nofu—
Do visit Isetan’s PINK HOUSE-san and try out the clothes— 💓

For the boy-nofu,
they host Karl Helmut too, so do check it out! 💓

And then, we hosted Folk Village ♪

Moriyama Naotarou-san
aka Moriemon made a guest appearance ( •∀•)/

He was so cool—.

The moment we heard him sing “Sakura~ Sakura~~” live,
Aarin felt like swooning.

Thank you for coming!

The broadcast this time was done at “Tokudane!”‘s studio 📷

We left a small doodle at Kokurashi-san’s seat before we left (。-∀-)

…No worries, we got permission from “Tokudane!”‘s staff (laugh)

How was Aarin’s request song “Friends”?

She loves idol series songs 💓
(So she picked Seiko-chan’s song this time 😌)

It’s good to see Aarin belting out songs like this once in a while, right? (laugh)

And then and then,
we took part in the Sanuki Movie Festival (`・ω・´)

It was Director Motohiro’s hometown,
so he brought us to an udon place that he highly recommends!

We slurped at our udon
while bathed in sunlight ☀

Kamatama udon (^ω^)

Was so delicious—

And then and then, Hirata Oriza-san and Director Oobayashi
joined us for the meet-and-greet session (*¨*)

The words they shared
really warmed up our hearts.

Aarin wants to learn more about acting,
and hopes to have more chances to work on it in the future.

The movie release date is getting closer.

And today, Aarin will be hosting her first solo meet-and-greet

Will she speak well? 💦

If she runs out of things to talk about, please save her, ok?!!! (laugh)

Everyone at Ibaraki, see you soon! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Sasaki Ayaka