
Posted on 2014-06-23 23:53:10

Sorry sorry,
I forgot to add this!!

That SWEET MEMORIES penguin wall sticker
has always been in my house

Mama really likes him,
so we have lots of other merchandise as well

And when he suddenly made an appearance
in the special CM collection on MSta ☆

I was so surprised (* *)

Because he just featured on my blog a few days ago

“Ah—- I have that at home!! At home!!”

I remember screaming to Aarin during the live recording
because she was sitting beside me- (laugh)

But it’s so magical, how these coincidences
just happen sometimes ♪

Moments of total excitement ↑↑ (≧Θ≦)

Like when you find out someone owns the same item as you,
or when you find out someone likes the same things that you do

I hope this blog
can help everyone share these moments with me too (’Θ ’*)

So from now on,
I’ll try to blog more about my favourite things,
or just some items I have around the house de-ariyasu (*^^*)

And so, tomorrow is finally
the Japan VS Colombia match!!

Japan, we’ll support you (`・Θ・´)

As a sort of prelude,
we even had a soccer match during Momoclo-chan ♪

The photos from the previous entry were taken during the recording~ ☆

Look forward to the OA (*・Θ-*)

