
Posted on 2014-02-24 00:56:18

During Nantekotta Pannacotta,
I dressed in pink and performed Aarin wa hankouki
It was so embarrassing
that I dug a hole and hid inside until now (-Θ-)

Oops (^Θ^;)

And so,
it’s a little outdated now,
but here’s my short report on the 2 days of EX Theatre (*・Θ-*)

For Day 1
All the songs were done with a live band, and it just made me so happy
It was such a joyous time-

And I actually performed Eien no Trinity on my own
I want to do it again, and I just want to continue singing-

Ah! But I want us 3 to do it together

If we ever get such a chance again
I hope that we can let everyone hear lots of songs
That’s how I feel de-ariyasu

For Day 2,
we all took on a colour that’s not our own
I was Aarin-
It was a painful realization, that Aarin is truly the only one who can bring out that flavour in her parts

To everyone who came to the 2 days, even though they were weeknights
and everyone around the country who sent us power through LV
Thank you so much-

And thank you to everyone who watched the unexpected UStream episode yesterday



