Original message from here.


Smile Link ☆
19 May 2012. 16:23

It’s hot today, almost like the start of summer,
but the 2 days at Yokohama Arena branch were really so much hotter! (^_^)

As general manager had said,
it’s usually during summer that everyone’s heat could turn the air into steam and fog up the venue,
so she was really surprised to see it happening so early on in the year!

We’re back again in the Kanto region,
and the homely atmosphere where we could hear replies of “Welcome home” to our shouts of “We’re back”
really made us feel united during those 2 days! (*^^*)

And so,
this time, following Day 1 at the Yokohama Arena branch,
we took lots of commemorative photos of everyone’s wonderful smiles
during Day 2 as well!

The Yokohama Arena branch was memorable because of the large number of cosplayers!!!

From costumes from past lives and PV get-ups to calendar photoshoot costumes and lots of other modified variants, we take our hat off to the high quality of the cosplayers!!! \(^o^)/

Finally, the Kobe World Memorial Hall branch will open today ☆

Looking forward to meeting with the wonderful smiles of everyone staying over!!!