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Day 3! O-S-A-K-A-!
22 July 2013. 11:20

Here are some photos from O-S-A-K-A-! Day 3!! ☆

Firstly, to all the people who took part at the Osaka show! We got so high again, as usual-! The heat was really amazing… (laugh) It was just really crazy.
Thank you so much! ☆

And on this Day 3 in Osaka, we got this awesome food!!

Osaka Dojima Roll (*´∀`*)

Ihihi ♪ Doesn’t it look so delicious?!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

So fluffy~! ♪

It was really popular amongst the girls after the show!!

Dancer EMI-san, an Osakan native, and Osaka Dojima Roll-chan ♪( ´θ`)ノ (laugh)

Eating delicious food is really an energy boost!!

Let’s bring this 2days finale of the location shows to a wonderful end!!!!! Look forward to Day 4 too~!

A-CHORUS ★ miccie