[Original Entry]


10 June 2013. 18:45

ayu-chan’s 15th Anniversary commemorative debut tour began at Saitama Super Arena on 13 April ☆
And now, we’re starting the second half here at Shizuoka-!
This is Yamazaki Yoko or Princess from the chorus team~ ☆

When we talk about Shizuoka… Everyone probably knows that Mt Fuji has been deemed a World Heritage Site and is busy welcoming guests from all over the world right now~ \(^o^)/

This photo was taken on New Year’s Day this year, from the window of my home in Fujinomiya… ☆ Beautiful, isn’t it? (^_-)-☆

Not losing out to Mt Fuji(?) I’ll be introducing our A-CHORUS team this year, which has powered up and become international~!

A Tokyo native and Korean girl, our new chorus member, Yon-chan~.
from Tokyo☆

Even better at Japanese than myself? (laugh) What is this? Timmy—-
from England ☆

A true star ☆ He’s right at home on stage, Miccie!
from Kagoshima☆

And me
from Shizuoka☆

The hot, burning, thick and passionate feelings of us four ride on ayu-chan’s famous songs~ And we hope that it can reach out to everyone ☆

And then there’s Naka-san and Nagai-san, who do our hair and make-up wonderfully!

Here’s a shot with everyone, DO-N (laugh)

Please do support us in the second half too-!

And that was A-CHORUS Princess, or Yamazaki Yoko, born in Fujinomiya City (^_-)-☆

A-CHORUS ☆ Princess Yoko